
Utility functions for tedana.selection.


change_comptable_classifications(selector, ...)

Change or don't change the component classification.


Reorder columns in component table.

comptable_classification_changer(selector, ...)

Implement the component classification changes from change_comptable_classifications.

confirm_metrics_exist(component_table, ...)

Confirm that all metrics declared in necessary_metrics are already included in comptable.

get_extend_factor([n_vols, extend_factor])

Get the extend_factor for the kundu decision tree.

getelbow(arr[, return_val])

Get elbow using linear projection method - moderate.

getelbow_cons(arr[, return_val])

Elbow using mean/variance method - conservative.

kappa_elbow_kundu(component_table, n_echos)

Calculate an elbow for kappa.

log_classification_counts(decision_node_idx, ...)

Log the total counts for each component classification in component_table.

log_decision_tree_step(function_name_idx, ...)

Log text to add after every decision tree calculation.

rho_elbow_kundu_liberal(component_table, n_echos)

Calculate an elbow for rho.

selectcomps2use(component_table, decide_comps)

Get a list of component numbers that fit the classification types in decide_comps.