[tedana] How do I use tedana with fMRIPrepped data?
fMRIPrep versions >= 21.0.0
Starting with version 21.0.0, fMRIPrep added the --me-output-echos
which outputs individual echoes after slice timing, motion correction, and distortion correction have been performed.
These preprocessed echoes can be denoised with tedana,
after which warps written out by fMRIPrep can be applied to transform the denoised data to standard space.
As the fMRIPrep outputs become more formalized, it is possible to write functions that can select the appropriate derivative files and run tedana on them. Below is one example of such a function.
fMRIPrep versions < 21.0.0
Prior to version 21.0.0, fMRIPrep outputted the preprocessed, optimally-combined fMRI data, rather than echo-wise data. This means that you cannot use the standard fMRIPrep outputs with tedana for multi-echo denoising.
However, as long as you still have access to fMRIPrep’s working directory, you can extract the partially-preprocessed echo-wise data, along with the necessary transform file to linearly transform that echo-wise data into the native structural scan space. The transform from that structural scan space to standard space will already be available, so you can easily chain these transforms to get your echo-wise data (or, more importantly, the scanner-space multi-echo denoised data) into standard space.
Unfortunately, fMRIPrep’s working directory structure is not stable across versions, so writing code to grab the relevant files from the working directory is a bit of a moving target. Nevertheless, we have some code (thanks to Julio Peraza) that works for version 20.2.1.
Warping scanner-space fMRIPrep outputs to standard space
Here is a basic approach to normalizing scanner-space tedana-denoised data created from fMRIPrep outputs, using ANTS’s antsApplyTransforms tool. The actual filenames of fMRIPrep derivatives depend on the filenames in the BIDS dataset (e.g., the name of the task, run numbers, etc.), but in this example we chose to use the simple example of “sub-01” and “task-rest”. The standard space template in this example is “MNI152NLin2009cAsym”, but will depend on fMRIPrep settings in practice.
[tedana] Why are there so few voxels in my mask?
Several steps in tedana
require excluding voxels outside of the brain. If the
provided data are not already masked, tedana
to create a mask. This often works, but
it is a fairly simple method and there are better masking tools in most fMRI
processing pipelines, such as AFNI. If your full preprocessing pipeline already
generates a mask for fMRI data, we recommend inputting that mask to tedana
and using
the --mask
option. tedana
additionally creates an adaptive mask that will
exclude voxels from some steps that have large dropout in later echoes. The adaptive
mask will flag some voxels in common dropout regions, but should not radically alter
the inputted mask. The outputted optimally combined and denoised datasets will include
all voxels in the inputted mask unless the adaptive mask identifies a voxel has having
zero good echoes. Here is more information on the creation and use of the adaptive mask.
[tedana] ICA has failed to converge.
The TEDICA step may fail to converge if TEDPCA is either too strict (i.e., there are too few components) or too lenient (there are too many).
With updates to the tedana
code, this issue is now rare, but it may happen
when preprocessing has not been applied to the data, or when improper steps have
been applied to the data (e.g. rescaling, nuisance regression).
It can also still happen when everything is seemingly correct
(see the answer to the next question).
If you are confident that your data have been preprocessed correctly prior to
applying tedana, and you encounter this problem, please submit a question to NeuroStars.
[tedana] What is the right number of ICA components & what options let me get it?
Part of the PCA step in tedana
processing involves identifying the number of
components that contain meaningful signal.
The PCA components are then used to calculate the same number of ICA components.
The --tedpca
option includes several options to identify the “correct” number
of PCA components.
and kundu-stabilize
use several echo-based criteria to exclude PCA
components that are unlikely to contain T2* or S0 signal.
(conservative & fewest components), kic
& aic
(liberal & more components) use MAPCA.
Within the same general method, each uses a cost function to find a minimum
where more components no longer model meaningful variance.
For some datasets we see all methods fail and result in too few or too many components.
There is no consistent number of components or % variance explained to define the correct number.
The correct number of components will depend on the noise levels of the data.
For example, smaller voxels will results in more thermal noise and less total variance explained.
A dataset with more head motion artifacts will have more variance explained,
since more structured signal is within the head motion artifacts.
The clear failure cases are extreme. That is getting less than 1/5 the number of components
compared to time points or having nearly as many components as time points.
We are working on identifying why this happens and adding better solutions.
Our current guess is that most of the above methods assume data are
independant and identically distributed (IID),
and signal leakage from in-slice and multi-slice accelleration may violate this assumption.
We have one option that is generally useful and is also a partial solution.
--ica-method robustica
will run robustica.
This is a method that, for a given number of PCA components,
will repeatedly run ICA and identify components that are stable across iterations.
While running ICA multiple times will slow processing, as a general benefit,
this means that the ICA results are less sensitive to the initialization parameters,
computer hardware, and software versions.
This will result in better stability and replicability of ICA results.
Additionally, robustica almost always results in fewer components than initially prescripted,
since there are fewer stable components across interations than the total number of components.
This means, even if the initial PCA component estimate is a bit off,
the number of resulting robust ICA components will represent stable information in the data.
For a dataset where the PCA comoponent estimation methods are failing,
one could use --tedpca
with a fixed integer for a constant number of components,
that is on the high end of the typical number of components for a study,
and then robustica will reduce the number of components to only find stable information.
That said, if the fixed PCA component number is too high,
then the method will have too many unstable components,
and if the fixed PCA component number is too low, then there will be even fewer ICA components.
With this approach, the number of ICA components is more consistent,
but is still sensitive to the intial number of PCA components.
For example, for a single dataset 60 PCA components might result in 46 stable ICA components,
while 55 PCA components might results in 43 stable ICA components.
We are still testing how these interact to give better recommendations for even more stable results.
While the TEDANA developers expect that --ica-method robustica
may become
the default configuration in future TEDANA versions,
it is first being released to the public as a non-default option
in hope of gaining insight into its behaviour
across a broader range of multi-echo fMRI data.
If users are having trouble with PCA component estimation failing on a dataset,
we recommend using RobustICA;
and we invite users to send us feedback on its behavior and efficacy.
[tedana] Can I manually reclassify components?
allows users to manually alter component classifications.
This can both be used as a command line tool or as part of other interactive
programs, such as RICA. RICA creates a graphical interface that is similar to
the build-in tedana reports that lets users interactively change component
classifications. Both programs will log which component classifications were
manually altered. If one wants to retain the original denoised time series,
make sure to output the denoised time series into a separate directory.
[tedana] What are the differences between the tedana_orig, meica, and minimal decision trees?
The decision tree is the series of conditions through which each component is
classified as accepted or rejected. The meica tree (–tree meica) was created by Prantik
Kundu for MEICA v2.5
, the predecessor to tedana
. Tedana’s decision tree was based
on this method, but we noticed a difference that affected edge-case components. There were
components that were re-evalued multiple times late in the decision tree in meica
but, once tedana
rejected them, they were excluded from additional steps. This means
that meica
may accept a few components that tedana
was rejects. When examining
the effects of this divergance, we saw that meica
sometimes accepted high variance
components. While those additionally accepted components often looked like noise, we wanted
to make sure users were aware of this difference. We include options to run the meica
tree and the tedana_orig
tree which has been successfully used for years.
will always remove the same or more components.
Both of the above trees use multiple intersecting metrics and rankings to classify components. How these steps may interact on specific datasets is opaque. While there is a kappa (T2*-weighted) elbow threshold and a rho (S0-weighted) elbow threshold, as discussed in publications, no component is accepted or rejected because of those thresholds. Users sometimes notice rejected components that clearly should have been accepted. For example, a component that included a clear T2*-weighted V1 response to a block design flashing checkerboard was sometimes rejected because the relatively large variance of that component interacted with a rejection criterion.
The minimal tree (–tree minimal) is designed to be easier to understand and less likely to reject T2* weighted components. There are a few other criteria, but components with kappa>kappa elbow and rho<rho elbow should all be accepted, and the rho elbow threshold is less stringent. If kappa is above threshold and more than 2X rho then it is also accepted under the assumption that, even if a component contains noise, there is sufficient T2*-weighted signal to retain. Similarly to the tedana_orig and meica trees, components with very low variance are retained so that degrees of freedom aren’t wasted by removing them, but minimal makes sure that no more than 1% of total variance is removed this way.
developers still want to examine how the minimal tree performs on a wide
range of datasets, but the primary benefit is that it is possible to describe what it does
in a short paragraph. The minimal tree will retain some components that the other trees
appropriately classifies as noise, and it will reject some components that the other trees
accept. More work is needed to validate the results of the minimal tree. The precise
thresholds and steps in the minimal tree may change as the results from running it are
examined on a wider range of data. The developers are looking for more people to compare
results between the trees. Until it is evaluated more, we recommend that any who
uses minimal
should examine the tedana report for any misclassifications.
It is also possible for users to view both decision trees and make their own.
This might be useful for general methods development and also for using tedana
on multi-echo datasets with properties different from those of the datasets these trees have been
tested on (i.e. human whole-brain acquisitions). It is also possible, but a bit more
challenging, to add additional metrics for each component so that the selection process
can include additional criteria.
[tedana] What different versions of this method exist?
Dr. Prantik Kundu developed a multi-echo ICA (ME-ICA) denoising method and
shared code on bitbucket to allow others to use the method. A nearly identical
version of this code is distributed with AFNI as MEICA v2.5 beta 11. Most early
publications that validated the MEICA method used variants of this code. That code
runs only on the now defunct python 2.7.
when run with –tree meica –tedpca kundu (or –tedpca kundu-stabilize),
uses the same core algorithm as in MEICA v2.5. Since ICA is a nondeterministic
algorithm and tedana
and MEICA use different PCA and ICA code, the algorithm will
mostly be the same, but the results will not be identical.
Prantik Kundu also worked on MEICA v3.2 (also for python v2.7). The underlying ICA
step is very similar, but the component selection process was different. While the
approach in MEICA v3.2 has potentially useful ideas, the early tedana
experienced non-trivial component misclassifications and there were no publications that
validated this method. That is why tedana
replicated the established and validated
MEICA v2.5 method and also includes options to integrate additional component selection
methods. In 2022, Prantik made MEICA v3.3 which runs on for python >=v3.7. It is not
under active development, but it should be possible to run.
[ME-fMRI] Does multi-echo fMRI require more radio frequency pulses?
While multi-echo does lead to collecting more images during each TR (one per echo), there is still only a single radiofrequency pulse per TR. This means that there is no change in the specific absorption rate (SAR) limits for the participant.
[ME-fMRI] Can I combine multiband (simultaneous multislice) with multi-echo fMRI?
Yes, these techniques are complementary. Multiband fMRI leads to collecting multiple slices within a volume simultaneously, while multi-echo fMRI is instead related to collecting multiple unique volumes. These techniques can be combined to reduce the TR in a multi-echo sequence.
[ME-fMRI] How do field maps and distortion correction work with multi-echo fMRI?
There are many different approaches to susceptibility distortion correction out there- far too many to discuss here. However, the good news is that distortion does not typically change across echoes in multi-echo fMRI. In most cases, the readout acquisition type and total readout time are the same for each echo, so distortion will remain relatively constant, even as dropout increases with echo time.
What this means is that, in the vast majority of multi-echo datasets, standard distortion correction methods will work, and should be applied in the same manner on all echoes. For example, if you acquire a blip-up/blip-down set of images for all of your echo times, you should use the first echo time’s images to generate the undistortion transform, as long as that first echo has sufficient gray/white constrast to be useful for alignment (in which case, use the earliest echo that does have good contrast).
For context, please see this NeuroStars thread.