
comptable_classification_changer(selector, boolstate, classify_if, decision_boolean, tag_if=None, dont_warn_reclassify=False)[source]

Implement the component classification changes from change_comptable_classifications.

  • selector (tedana.selection.component_selector.ComponentSelector) – The attributes used are component_table_, component_status_table_, and current_node_idx_

  • boolstate (bool) – Change classifications only for True or False components in decision_boolean based on this variable

  • classify_if (str) – This should be if_True or if_False to match boolstate. If the condition in this step is true or false, give the component the label in this string. Options are ‘accepted’, ‘rejected’, ‘nochange’, or intermediate_classification labels predefined in the decision tree. If ‘nochange’ then don’t change the current component classification

  • decision_boolean (pd.Series(bool)) – A dataframe column of equal length to component_table where each value is True or False.

  • tag_if (str) – This should be tag_if_true or tag_if_false to match boolstate A string containing a label in classification_tags that will be added to the classification_tags column in component_table if a component is classified as true or false. default=None

  • dont_warn_reclassify (bool) – If this function changes a component classification from accepted or rejected to something else, it gives a warning. If this is True, that warning is suppressed. default=False


selector (tedana.selection.component_selector.ComponentSelector) – Operates on the True OR False components depending on boolstate component_table_["classifications"] will reflect any new classifications. component_status_table_ will have a new column titled “Node current_node_idx_” that is a copy of the updated classifications column. component_table_[“classification_tags”] will be updated to include any new tags. Each tag should appear only once in the string and tags will be separated by commas.


UserWarning – If a classification is changed away from accepted or rejected and dont_warn_reclassify is False, then a warning is logged


This is designed to be run by change_comptable_classifications(). This function is run twice, ones for changes to make of a component is True and again for components that are False.