
load_data(data, n_echos=None)[source]

Coerces input data files to required 3D array output

  • data ((X x Y x M x T) array_like or list-of-img_like) – Input multi-echo data array, where X and Y are spatial dimensions, M is the Z-spatial dimensions with all the input echos concatenated, and T is time. A list of image-like objects (e.g., .nii or .gii) are accepted, as well
  • n_echos (int, optional) – Number of echos in provided data array. Only necessary if data is array_like. Default: None

  • fdata ((S x E x T) numpy.ndarray) – Output data where S is samples, E is echos, and T is time
  • ref_img (str or numpy.ndarray) – Filepath to reference image for saving output files or NIFTI-like array