
tedana minimally requires:

  1. acquired echo times (in milliseconds), and
  2. functional datasets equal to the number of acquired echoes.

But you can supply many other options, viewable with tedana -h or t2smap -h.

Run tedana

This is the full tedana workflow, which runs multi-echo ICA and outputs multi-echo denoised data along with many other derivatives. To see which files are generated by this workflow, check out the workflow documentation: tedana.workflows.tedana_workflow().

usage: tedana [-h] -d FILE [FILE ...] -e TE [TE ...] [--mask FILE]
              [--mix FILE] [--ctab FILE] [--manacc MANACC] [--kdaw KDAW]
              [--rdaw RDAW] [--conv CONV] [--sourceTEs STE]
              [--combmode {t2s,ste}] [--initcost {tanh,pow3,gaus,skew}]
              [--finalcost {tanh,pow3,gaus,skew}] [--denoiseTEs] [--strict]
              [--no_gscontrol] [--stabilize] [--filecsdata] [--wvpca]
              [--label LABEL] [--seed FIXED_SEED]

Named Arguments

-d Multi-echo dataset for analysis. May be a single file with spatially concatenated data or a set of echo-specific files, in the same order as the TEs are listed in the -e argument.
-e Echo times (in ms). E.g., 15.0 39.0 63.0
--mask Binary mask of voxels to include in TE Dependent ANAlysis. Must be in the same space as data.
--mix File containing mixing matrix. If not provided, ME-PCA & ME-ICA is done.
--ctab File containing a component table from which to extract pre-computed classifications.
--manacc Comma separated list of manually accepted components

Dimensionality augmentation weight (Kappa). Default=10. -1 for low-dimensional ICA

Default: 10.0


Dimensionality augmentation weight (Rho). Default=1. -1 for low-dimensional ICA

Default: 1.0


Convergence limit. Default 2.5e-5

Default: 2.5e-5


Source TEs for models. E.g., 0 for all, -1 for opt. com., and 1,2 for just TEs 1 and 2. Default=-1.

Default: -1


Possible choices: t2s, ste

Combination scheme for TEs: t2s (Posse 1999, default), ste (Poser)

Default: “t2s”


Possible choices: tanh, pow3, gaus, skew

Initial cost function for ICA.

Default: “tanh”


Possible choices: tanh, pow3, gaus, skew

Final cost function for ICA. Same options as initcost.

Default: “tanh”


Denoise each TE dataset separately.

Default: False


Ignore low-variance ambiguous components

Default: False


Disable global signal regression.

Default: True


Stabilize convergence by reducing dimensionality, for low quality data

Default: False


Save component selection data

Default: False


Perform PCA on wavelet-transformed data

Default: False

--label Label for output directory.

Value passed to repr(mdp.numx_rand.seed()) Set to an integer value for reproducible ICA results; otherwise, set to -1 for varying results across calls.

Default: 42


The --mask argument is not intended for use with very conservative region-of-interest analyses. One of the ways by which components are assessed as BOLD or non-BOLD is their spatial pattern, so overly conservative masks will invalidate several steps in the tedana workflow. To examine regions-of-interest with multi-echo data, apply masks after TE Dependent ANAlysis.

Run t2smap

This workflow uses multi-echo data to optimally combine data across echoes andto estimate T2* and S0 maps or time series. To see which files are generated by this workflow, check out the workflow documentation: tedana.workflows.t2smap_workflow().

usage: t2smap [-h] -d FILE [FILE ...] -e TE [TE ...] [--mask FILE]
              [--fitmode {all,ts}] [--combmode {t2s,ste}] [--label LABEL]

Named Arguments

-d Multi-echo dataset for analysis. May be a single file with spatially concatenated data or a set of echo-specific files, in the same order as the TEs are listed in the -e argument.
-e Echo times (in ms). E.g., 15.0 39.0 63.0
--mask Binary mask of voxels to include in TE Dependent ANAlysis. Must be in the same space as data.

Possible choices: all, ts

Monoexponential model fitting scheme. “all” means that the model is fit, per voxel, across all timepoints. “ts” means that the model is fit, per voxel and per timepoint.

Default: “all”


Possible choices: t2s, ste

Combination scheme for TEs: t2s (Posse 1999, default), ste (Poser)

Default: “t2s”

--label Label for output directory.