tedana.workflows: Common workflows

tedana.workflows.tedana_workflow(data, tes) Run the “canonical” TE-Dependent ANAlysis workflow.
tedana.workflows.t2smap_workflow(data, tes) Estimate T2 and S0, and optimally combine data across TEs.

tedana.model: Modeling TE-dependence

tedana.model.fit_decay(data, tes, mask, masksum) Fit voxel-wise monoexponential decay models to data
tedana.model.fit_decay_ts(data, tes, mask, …) Fit voxel- and timepoint-wise monoexponential decay models to data
tedana.model.fitmodels_direct(catd, mmix, …) Fit TE-dependence and -independence models to components.
tedana.model.make_optcom(data, tes, mask[, …]) Optimally combine BOLD data across TEs.
tedana.model.monoexponential Functions to estimate S0 and T2* from multi-echo data.
tedana.model.fit Fit models.
tedana.model.combine Functions to optimally combine data across echoes.

tedana.decomposition: Data decomposition

tedana.decomposition.tedpca(catd, OCcatd, …) Use principal components analysis (PCA) to identify and remove thermal noise from multi-echo data.
tedana.decomposition.tedica(n_components, …) Performs ICA on dd and returns mixing matrix
tedana.decomposition._utils Utility functions for tedana decomposition

tedana.selection: Component selection

tedana.selection.selcomps(seldict, mmix, …) Labels ICA components to keep or remove from denoised data
tedana.selection._utils Utility functions for tedana.selection

tedana.utils: Utility functions

tedana.utils.io Functions to handle file input/output
tedana.utils.utils Utilities for tedana package