
We recommend running containerized versions of tedana to avoid dependency issues. The Docker Engine appropriate for your system (i.e., linux, Mac OSX, or Windows) is required to access and run the container.

It is also possible to run a local or “bare-metal” tedana if your system has AFNI and python 2.7 or 3.4+ installed. With a local python installation, we recommend using the Anaconda or Miniconda package manager, as these allow for the creation of virtual environments.

Containerized versions

To access a containerized version of tedana simply pull the latest Docker image. This can be accomplished with the following command:

docker pull emdupre/meica-docker:0.0.3

Local installation

Local installation requires the following dependencies:

  • Python 2.7 or 3.4+
  • AFNI

You can clone the latest version of tedana directly from GitHub. To do so, git clone